Looker Studio

Looker Studio

Self-service business intelligence with unmatched flexibility for smarter business decisions.

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    The article discusses Spotify's approach to creating and managing high-quality dashboards at scale. Spotify utilizes Tableau and Looker Studio as primary tools, supported by a Dashboard Quality Framework that ensures consistency and trust in the dashboards. The framework includes automatic checks ('Vital Signs') and a manual design checklist ('Spicy Dashboard Design'). The Dashboard Portal centralizes dashboard access, offering search, curation, and quality labeling features, enhancing the overall accessibility and reliability of dashboards across the company.

  • product

    The article discusses Spotify's approach to creating and managing high-quality dashboards at scale. Spotify utilizes Tableau and Looker Studio as primary tools, supported by a Dashboard Quality Framework that ensures consistency and trust in the dashboards. The framework includes automatic checks ('Vital Signs') and a manual design checklist ('Spicy Dashboard Design'). The Dashboard Portal centralizes dashboard access, offering search, curation, and quality labeling features, enhancing the overall accessibility and reliability of dashboards across the company.

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